AI/ML Engineer

This position has been filled!

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Thank you for your interest in Innolitics!

About Innolitics

We're a remote-only team of software engineers and regulatory consultants helping accelerate progress in the medical device industry. We focus on software-only medical "devices", but we sometimes work with physical devices too. We're accelerating progress in a few ways: We help our clients write software for their medical devices. We also help with regulatory submissions and quality documentation for our clients devices.

The U.S. healthcare industry is less prone to the booms and busts of the economic cycle. It is a good choice for those looking for a stable job in this economic climate. If you have recently been laid off or are concerned about your job security, we are hiring and would love to talk to you. Additionally, investment in the medical device industry is still booming as investors are moving money to safter assets and AI/ML is making its way into the clinic. It's a good time to be in this space and we expect to grow significantly over the next few years.

What you'll do as a AI/ML Engineer at Innolitics

You’ll work with one of our clients, helping them write software for their medical devices following our end to end AI SOP. Most projects follow an agile process and we demo progress to clients once a week. You’ll be responsible for gathering requirements from the client, designing the software architecture, implementing it, testing it, analyzing risks, and documenting your work. You’ll also be responsible for reviewing other engineer’s code (and your code will be reviewed too).

Since we work in a regulated industry, you’ll need to learn about the standards and regulations that apply to us to be effective. We don’t expect that you would know about these when you join us. Most of them are reasonable and merely require companies to show they are following best practices.

Sometimes you’ll work alongside the client’s engineering team, and other times you’ll work on a team of one, two, or three engineers. If you’re the only engineer on a project, you’ll be primarily responsible for its success. Sometimes you may have more than one project at a time (but not expected to work more than 40 hours per week).

In addition to client work, you may work on our internal projects, including possibly our open-source projects.

Who are we looking for?

Someone who

  • Believes in our mission and shares our values
  • Is able to independently execute engineering focused components of our end to end AI SOP and work with regulatory colleagues on the regulatory focused components.
  • 2+ years of experience with image processing and deep neural networks
  • College degree in an engineering discipline
  • Strong grasp of non-ML ways to solve image processing problems
  • Experience with either Pytorch or Tensorflow
  • Experience with numerical Python stack (Numpy, Pandas, Jupyter, Matplotlib, Scipy, etc)
  • Experience with medical imaging specific technologies like MONAI, DICOM, NifTI is a plus.
  • Experience working with regulated medical devices is a plus
  • Wants to learn about medical devices and the regulations that apply to them
  • Is willing to travel a couple of times a year
  • Can communicate fluently in English via Slack, email, and video calls
  • Lives in the United States.

Why would you want to work for us? 🔗

Meaningful work 🔗

We only work on fulfilling projects—ones that we believe improve the world. For example, our current projects include software for radiation oncology clinics, a startup building an medical device to detect ear infections, open-source software used by neurosurgeons and researchers, software for tracking metastatic cancer, and several others.

You can see past projects in our portfolio.

Compensation 🔗

The salary for the position is $105k - $145k/year, depending on ability and experience. We also have a quarterly profit sharing program. Typical profits range from $10k to $60k per year depending on company profits, performance reviews, and time at Innolitics.

Financially Stable 🔗

We operate exclusively in the healthcare sector and do not take on debt which shields us from boom and bust economic cycles. We have never had to lay off employees because of a recession.

Tight-knit and growing 🔗

We’re tight-knit, profitable, and growing quickly. If you work with us you can participate in our growth and help define the direction we move in. There will also be opportunities to grow your career. You can also wear many hats and contribute to the company beyond software development.

Talented and fun teammates 🔗

Work with a team of talented, mission-driven engineers who will help you become a better engineer. We're also a lot of fun and have a close-knit group, despite being fully-remote.

Stay relevant 🔗

We invest in the personal and professional development of all our team members. We dedicate two and a half hours on Wednesday afternoons to ongoing learning. Here is a list of our previous learning topics.

You’ll also have opportunities to change projects from time to time and be involved with many more.

Remote only 🔗

We’ve been remote-only since 2012. You can live wherever you want within the United States except for Alaska and Hawaii.

Balance 🔗

We love what we do, but we also have lives outside of work. We have flexible work hours. You are free to work at your own schedule as long as you are not blocked or do not block others. Most individual contributors have an hour worth of meetings a week.

We provide two weeks of paid time off your first year, three weeks your second and third years, and four weeks for each year after that.

Benefits 🔗

We provide a 401(k), with Traditional and Roth options. Innolitics makes an annual contribution, equal to 3% of your salary, to your 401(k) once you’ve worked with us for six months. This contribution vests immediately. The 401(k) plan includes very low-cost index mutual funds, and we cover all the plan costs.

We provide company health insurance (read more about this in our handbook). We reimburse internet costs up to $1200/year and provide a $750/year equipment stipend.

How to apply 🔗

Fill out your information below.

The cover letter you upload should be three or four short paragraphs explaining why this position in particular interests you and why you are a great fit.

(Cover Letter)
I am cleared to work in the US

What happens after you apply 🔗

We’ll read your email and review your resume.

If it looks like you’re a good fit for the role, we’ll get in touch. Our typical interview process has four steps:

  1. 30-minute phone interview with Yujan (our CTO).
  2. 60-minute technical interview with two engineers on our team.
  3. 90-minute higher-level technical interview with David and Yujan (our founders).
  4. Two reference checks


Does this role involve hardware work?

Not really. We usually work on software-only medical “devices.” (Interestingly, the FDA uses the term “device” to apply even when there is no hardware involved.) We do work with hardware devices from time to time, but when we do you won’t be responsible for designing or working on the hardware at all.

Instead of live-coding technical interviews, I'd rather do a take home project. Is that okay?

We can offer a take-home mini project instead of technical interviews upon request, but keep in mind it will likely take more time to complete than the interviews would.

What if I don't know anything about medical devices?

That’s okay—most people on our team didn’t know much about medical devices when they joined. What is more important is that you’re interested in learning. If so, we can teach you what you need to know.

What if I don't know any of the "nice to have" technologies you listed?

Still apply! We’ve found that most good engineers can learn new technologies quickly if given a bit of breathing room. If we think you’re a strong engineer, we can help you learn these as needed.

How is success in the role measured?

Your success will be measured primarily by the value you provide to our clients and your contributions to Innolitics’ internal tools and processes.

We have in-depth performance reviews twice each year.

What if I'd like to have more vacation time?

We are open to swapping a few weeks of vacation time for a lower salary. If you are interested in this, let us know.

What if I'd like to work four days a week?

We are open to this. Nobody on our team currently works a four-day weeks, so we’d need to think through some logistics a bit, but part of our mission is to provide flexible careers. Note that there are fixed-price costs associated with employees, thus the salary for a four-day week would be less than 80% of what it would be otherwise. If you are interested in this, let us know.

I'd like to know more about how you work.

Our company handbook contains a lot of useful information about how we work.