Intermediate Python: Dunder-Methods, Decorators, and Context Managers
In this lesson we learn about dunder methods, decorators, and context managers in Python. These tools, when used properly, can help us to write concise, readable, and expressive code when working with complex objects, higher-order functions, or scoped side-effects.
The contextlib.contextmanager decorator combines the
concepts of a generator, decorator, and context manager. It also happens to be
the preferred way to create context managers.
Finally, read this blog post for additional information on decorators and context managers.
To learn as much as possible from these exercises, write your responses before revealing the provided answers. If any exercises seem irrelevant, you can skip them and instead write a justification as to why they are unimportant. These justifications will help us improve the lesson for future employees.
Exercise 1
What is operator overloading, and how is it achievable in Python? When is
it appropriate to use operator overloading?
In computer programming, operator overloading, sometimes termed operator
ad hoc polymorphism, is a specific case of polymorphism, where different
operators have different implementations depending on their arguments
More specifically to Python, operator overloading allows the programmer to
hook custom classes into fundamental operators of the language like “+” or
“==”. Some specific examples of this are accessing NumPy arrays using slice
notation (via the dunder method __getitem__), or the fact that string
equality means an element-wise comparison of the code points in a unicode
string while object equality means comparison of each object’s id() (via
the dunder method __eq__). Generally speaking, operator overloading in
Python is performed by implementing dunder methods for a class, which define
how the class interacts with various operators.
Dunder methods are a powerful way to make certain operations more
“pythonic”; however, they should be used with care. A warning from the
Python data model:
When implementing a class that emulates any built-in type, it is important
that the emulation only be implemented to the degree that it makes sense for
the object being modelled. For example, some sequences may work well with
retrieval of individual elements, but extracting a slice may not make sense.
A good rule of thumb for when to use operator overloading: someone who does
not have access to the class definition should be able to guess what is
happening when they see the class used with an operator. If it is not clear
what “+” means for class MyAvatar, then it is probably not a good use of
__add__. However, it may be obvious what “+” means for class
ComplexNumber. Operator overloading should always be used to make
operations simpler to understand, not just more concise.
(As a side note, don’t forget that Python has built-in support for complex
numbers, so there’s no need to write a class ComplexNumber!)
Exercise 2
In a Python shell, observe the output of dir(list()). Explain what the
output of this call is, and explain the purpose of each printed “dunder”
dir, when called with an object as its argument, “returns an alphabetized
list of names comprising (some of) the attributes of the given objects, and
of attributes reachble from it.” A more in-depth description of dir can
be found in the function’s docstring, accessible via dir.__doc__.
__add__: Implements the behavior of this object for the + operator.
__class__: Returns the class of which this object is an instance.
__contains__: Implements the boolean check somevar in self (i.e. is some value contained in the collection)
__delattr__: Implements the behavior for the delattr() function, which as the name implies, deletes an attribute from an object.
__delitem__: Implements behavior for del self[x], which deletes the item at position x within self.
__dir__: Describes what is listed out when dir() is called. Note that we used dir to get this list of dunder methods in the first place; objects can override what is shown to dir, so some attributes may not be listed by using this method.
__doc__: Returns the docstring for the object.
__eq__: Implements the boolean check self == some_other.
__ge__: Implements “greater than or equal” comparison
__getattribute__: Implements behavior when getattribute(self, 'someattribute') is called
__getitem__: Implements indexing behavior, i.e. self[x].
__gt__: Implementa “greater than” comparison.
__hash__: Returns a unique hash of the object. Some objects cannot, by nature, have a unique hash that does not change through the lifetime of the object. list is one of these; you’ll notice that [].__hash__ is actually None.
__iadd__: Implements +=, which performs in-place addition.
__imul__ Implements *=, in-place multiplication
__init__: The method called when an object is first created.
__init_subclass__: A method called when a class is subclassed.
__iter__: Implements iterator behavior for self, allowing the object to be used in for loops.
__le__: Implementation of “less than or equal”
__len__: Returns the object length when accessed via len(self).
__lt__: Implements “less than”
__mul__: Implements multiplication *.
__ne__: Implements the not-equal check self != someval. Usually can just be the logical not of __eq__.
__new__: A class method called when creating a new instance of that class.
__repr__: Returns the official string representation of the object (i.e. for printing with print(self))
__reversed__: Returns a reverse iterator.
__rmul__: “Reflected” multiplication, where the right-hand operator is first. This is a fallback method called if the left-hand operator cannot perform normal multiplication.
__setattr__: Implements behavior of setattr(self, 'attr_name', 'attr_value')
__setitem__: Implements assigning to an index (i.e. self[x] = 5)
__sizeof__: Specific to lists; returns the size of the list in memory (bytes).
__str__: Returns a string form of the object when called as str(self).
__subclasshook__: A method that can be used to alter the result of issubclass(self, SomeClass).
Dunder methods allow customization of essentially every aspect of an object
in Python. They should be used carefully in order to preserve readability
and minimize unnecessary complexity.
Exercise 3
What will print to the console when this code block is evaluated?
For print #2: <a StopIteration error being raised>
This is because spreading the generator’s iterations to an array expends all of the yield keywords. When the iterator tries to find the next yield in order to return its value and can’t, the error is thrown.
Exercise 4
Write the definition of the repeatme decorator in the following example:
@repeatme(5)defsome_function():print("Function has been called")some_function()# prints "Function has been called" 5 times
What is the purpose of the context manager, and why is it useful in Python’s
data model?
The context manager allows the explicit opening and closing of external
resources. This is particularly important in Python since the timing of
garbage collection of a reference is implementation-specific and not
guaranteed. From the Python data model:
Some objects contain references to “external”
resources such as open files or windows. It is understood that these
resources are freed when the object is garbage-collected, but since garbage
collection is not guaranteed to happen, such objects also provide an explicit
way to release the external resource, usually a close() method. Programs are
strongly recommended to explicitly close such objects. The ‘try…finally’
statement and the ‘with’ statement provide convenient ways to do this.
Context managers are also more generally useful for any kind of operation
that requires defined setup and teardown steps.
Exercise 6
What are two different ways you can create a context manager?
A context manager can be created by defining a class with __enter__ and
__exit__ methods. Alternatively, it can be created with a generator
function decorated with the @contextmanager decorator. The latter
approach is usually preferred since it is visually simpler to understand.
Exercise 7
Read through the code snippet below. Write the definition of the context manager, as if it were to replace the TODO comment, using both approaches described in the previous question’s answer:
GLOBAL_CONFIG={'timeout':42,}# TODO: Write definition of temporary_override
Here’s how you would implement the context manager using a class:
Extend the previous context manager so that it restores the global
configuration value in the event of an exception inside the with block
while also not silently ignorning the exception. Here’s some code you can
append to the code in the previous exercise to test that your solutions
exception_thrown=Falsetry:assertGLOBAL_CONFIG['timeout']==42withtemporary_override('timeout',27):assertGLOBAL_CONFIG['timeout']==27raiseException('Testing exception handling in context managers.')exceptException:exception_thrown=TrueassertGLOBAL_CONFIG['timeout']==42assertexception_thrown
Here’s the updated context manager that uses a class:
Knowing what we know about generators and the two different ways to declare a context manager, what does the contextlib.contextmanager decorator most-likely look like under-the-hood? Reimplement the contextlib.contextmanager decorator.
The actual Python source code is here. Our context_manager takes in the function as a parameter. Next it defines a wrapper function and declare that it is allowed to take in any number of arguments and keyword arguments. This gives us access to the arguments passed to funk. We then define our boilerplate context manager, per usual, with some minor tweaks. Upon initialization it will take in a function, it will also take in an unspecified amount of arguments and key arguments as well for the same reason as the Wrapper function. We will declare a key within our context management objects to save the value of the invoked function that was passed as a parameter; we also pass these unspecified arguments and keyword arguments into the function. Now we see and can get a better understanding as to why our context manager needs to be passed a generator function And why is that generator should be set up in a particular way. When the __enter__ m-method is invoked, we will iterate our generator to the yield. We then iterate our generator once more when the __exit__ dunder-method is invoked To run the code after the yield, our “closing code”, if you will.
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