Sam’an Herman-Griffiths, Junior Software Engineer

Sam’an Herman-Griffiths


Joined: February 21, 2022


Python Javascript Typescript Full-Stack Engineering Automation CI/CD Pipeline Management Git Management Application Deployment


I started my engineering journey at 22 by quitting my job as a Kitchen Manager and joining a software engineering bootcamp. My class started with 36 people and ended with 24. Of those 24 people I’m am one of only 7 people who was hired professionally. It’s been a tough journey but I’ve loved every step. I’m currently learning more about Cybersecurity and AI/ML but I’ve had a blast working on the task automation and and full-stack web development projects I’ve been assigned to so far at this company. I feel blessed to be a part of this team and am working hard to ensure that it’s a blessing to have me!


Despite my profession, I love the outdoors. I will often spend weekends camping with my parents and extended family. I love the arts as well. I grew up as a choir geek so I’m very into music but I’m a big anime/sci-fi fan too. I’m also very passionate about learning, my three favorite subjects being history, math, and computer science.